Thursday, February 3, 2011

What Did My Puppy Eat??

Remember how the clown at the kids' birthday party would pull the long string of scarves tied together out of his mouth? Well, last night my dog was the clown...

I was about to feed my 11 month old puppy, Riley, his dinner when my daughter screams "Gross! Riley has a HUGE stream of drool hanging out of his mouth!" I look at Riley & see the long string of "drool" hanging about 8 inches out of his mouth. I grab a towel to wipe it off...and then it gets gross...

As the drool continues to flow out of his mouth, I realize it's a thick string of some sort. Slowly, I end up removing about 4 feet of this string from his mouth/belly. I have no idea where this string came from or what it was. I'm just happy it didn't go through his system & wreak havoc on his tummy.

Now, anyone who knows me well, knows that I have a very weak stomach. So, I know that the anyone reading this is probably grossed out, but at least you weren't the one who had to pull this out of him. Yes, I gagged!

Riley had an upset tummy for a few hours afterward, but seems okay now. He is never unsupervised & when left alone he is kenneled so I have no idea what he ate. Puppies are just like kids..."everything goes in the mouth!"

1 comment:

  1. It is gross but cute at the same time....he has gotta have lab in him. Labs eat EVERYTHING!!

    I miss you...we gotta get together very soon. For GB and also for a martini!
