Thursday, December 2, 2010

Unemployment Frustration

I want to start out by saying that I am grateful Unemployment pay exists. I am, however, not so grateful that a month ago my Unemployment was extended through 4/2011 yet today I received a letter in the mail that my benefits end in 9 days. Merry Christmas to me! I have truthfully applied to 8-10 employers a week since I've been unemployed, have had 2 interviews & no job offers (well I had one that fell through). This is so frustrating!

So what do I want for Christmas this year? A JOB! I never dreamed I'd be unemployed -EVER- let alone for this long. I have never had an issue finding a job. I just pray every night that something will come my way...SOON!


  1. Jaim, keep your chin up. You will find something very soon. Hopefully at least a temp agency can find you random things until then...just to get you a little extra cash before Christmas.

    I have faith in you and know this will work itself out. I filled out your referral request thing in my email and just sent that on.

  2. Today I found out that unemployment has been extended through 2012. Thankfully, as of 1/03/2011, I will no longer be unemployed! I am overjoyed at the career opportunity that has come my way. I did not, however, enjoy the amount of stress that was caused in finding out unemployment was being cut short a few weeks before Christmas. I am very happy about the extension so that I won't have a month without money coming in (before I get my first paycheck at my new job). *sigh* I can rest easier at night now.
