Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Verdict On The Thunder Shirt

After a week of using the Thunder Shirt daily on Riley I have decided this is not for us...

I will admit, the anxiety levels do go way down when wearing the Thunder Shirt. For any dog owner who is thinking about getting one for their dog that is afraid during storms, fireworks, etc...this should help tremendously. We were hoping this would cut Riley's anxiety enough that he would "allow" us to clip his nails. Not the case though. Although the anxiety was almost gone, the fear was still very much there. He wasn't shaking like he normally does. The Thunder Shirt did help a lot. We just need more help than that! 

So, it looks like I will be calling the Vet to make an appointment for sedation nail cutting :( I am very sad about this, but what else can we do? Poor Riley.


  1. I think you have tried just about EVERYTHING you can for Riley. Maybe sedation is the only real option you have left.

    It takes 3 people to hold down my parents' dog Ellie. It's not as bad anymore since my Dad made a routine out of it, but she still fights it every time.

  2. Yes, we have exhausted all options... Bummer though, I really didn't want to resort to sedation. Glen was able to trim one of his dew claws this weekend! All I can say is we are praying Miles will remain as easy as he is for trims. We take just a smidge off once a week & stay very calm & don't make a big deal out of it. Miles is very chill during nails trims! THANKFULLY!
