Saturday, November 27, 2010

So Frustrated...

I just don't understand some people...

Last week we caught a cat in my yard that was in rough shape. We took him to the Vet & he had a micro chip. We returned him to his family & now there are reports of sightings of this cat outside AGAIN! Not only is this bad because he was just outside for months, terribly skinny & major hair loss, but it's like 20 degrees outside! Please don't get a pet if you can't provide basic care for them.

Facebook is a social network that most people use to keep in touch with family & friends. Some on the other hand use it to post nasty things/lies about others. If you have nothing nice to say, then don't speak. It is simply childish & it only makes you look bad. So, I ask this of you...when you are reading facebook posts & you notice someone specifically spreading lies, saying nasty things, slandering someone's name/reputation in their posts, please ask them to stop. It's not cool, it's not funny. It just shouldn't happen. You should want to do the right thing & be kind to others.

So, tonight I set a trap for the cat & continue to check it. I pray he will come back to me. This time I promise to protect him better. As for the other issue, I will NOT let it bother me any more. All I can do is pray people like this will grow up. It's frustrating to have this in my life, but it's only in my life as much as I let it be.

1 comment:

  1. I abosolutley agree with you... Why micro chip an animal if you don't care about enough to feed it or keep it in the house... They should'nt be allowed to have pets!!!!!
